I do not blog here anymore. All posts are published at notes.druchan.com.

Haskell Journal - Day 13

Oct 21, 2024
runApp :: App a -> IO ()
runApp app = do
  let template = $(embedFile "./template.html")
  rdigestPath <- lookupEnv "RDIGEST_FOLDER"
  case rdigestPath of
    Nothing -> showAppError $ GeneralError "It looks like you have not set the RDIGEST_FOLDER env. `export RDIGEST_FOLDER=<full-path-where-rdigest-should-save-data>"
    Just rdPath -> do
      pool <- newPool (defaultPoolConfig (open (getDBFile rdPath)) close 60.0 10)
      let config = Config {connPool = pool, template = BS.unpack template, rdigestPath = rdPath}
      res <- (try :: IO a -> IO (Either AppError a)) $ app config
      destroyAllResources pool
      either showAppError (const $ return ()) res
parseURL :: String -> Maybe URL
parseURL url = case parseURI url of
  Just uri -> (if uriScheme uri `elem` ["http:", "https:"] then Just url else Nothing)
  Nothing -> Nothing

Can be written as:

parseURL :: String -> Maybe URL
parseURL url = parseURI url >>= \uri -> if uriScheme uri `elem` ["http:", "https:"] then Just url else Nothing
getDomain :: Maybe String -> String
getDomain url =
  let maybeURI = url >>= parseURI >>= uriAuthority
   in maybe "" uriRegName maybeURI