I do not blog here anymore. All posts are published at notes.druchan.com.

Summer of Elm

May 15, 2023

It's very likely that I'll come off as an Elm-fanboy in these notes. I don't think of myself as one for I've seen some of the limitations of this beautiful language, but I have to confess I do become quite enamoured when writing about (or writing in) the language.

After a few-months-long hiatus, I seem to have suddenly landed on a purple patch of writing a lot of Elm. It began as a self-imposed feature request on an old project I had done where you could visually see a calendar of potential long-weekends. I realize I sound vain but I seem to have surprised myself in being able to stick to doing things this long and in such quantities. All tallied, I modified 2 old projects written in Elm (one of which is my go-to expense tracker that I use almost everyday), created a tool that helps me in my daily work, published my first Elm package, and managed to wire up something that can serve as a pattern library to interact type-safely with Elm's Ports (something that's currently not easily done).

My foray into this strange world of "functional programming" really began in 2018. I suspect the actual history is permanently lost in my neural pathways but I remember the dichotomy of having been singed by Javascript frameworks (Vue was, at the time, my favorite and also the one I had the most experience with) prompting me to seek alternatives (leading to the beautiful little website of Elm Lang) and the impregnable-esque feeling one finds oneself in when staring at Maybes and Results and Json Decoders.

It's only recently that I've realized how lucky it is that I discovered Elm not at the time of its initial release but a few years later, because by 2018, Elm had undergone a sort of a major overhaul in terms of the entire structure, philosophy and architecture. It would undergo one more transformation a little later (with v0.19) but honestly, since none of the work I do involves Elm at large-scale production, that drama did not affect me. Anyway: having seen a good chunk of code written in pre-2018-style Elm, I can safely say I'd have easily given this language a miss if I had to deal with that for runtime safety guarantees.

My abortive attempts at learning Elm at the time were a chagrin. I was frustrated that I couldnt quite "intuit" the idioms of the language and yet I wanted to learn this language because I was thoroughly convinced – because of my interactions with libraries like RamdaJS – that this functional-style of writing code was a lot better than anything I had done (or was doing at work).

Late 2019, however, something happened: I had to model a customized Highcharts implementation (think massive, highly-user-customizable wrappers around that charting library), and this would've been extremely complex. What saved the day was that I wrote all of the first-pass code in pseudo-Elm (ie, Elm-like syntax, but code that wont really run). But even the pseudo-code suddenly made it extremely easy to write "composable" chunks of manageable, grokkable code that led directly to the larger model. Transfering all of that into Vue / JS was a breeze (although just tedious because so many functions!). I was completely "sold" at this point to the notion that Elm would make me enjoy programming far more than I had ever did so far (and I was already enjoying writing programs).

Cut to 2023: It's a pity that I have not put in enough time/effort in looking for external projects where I could work with Elm completely, but I find this language to be a refuge nevertheless. My forays into Purescript (and a bit of Haskell) has made me realize that there's a lot more to the iceberg than meets the eye (and Elm really is sort of a tip-of-the-iceberg thing in the functional world – all of it by choice because it aims to be a frontend language right now and wants to make the transition from unsafe JS to safe functional-style programming as easy as possible). For instance, pun intended, Type classes and instances are very much missing from Elm (for good reasons) and they are quite powerful tools when programming applications. Despite these, Elm continues to be quite a powerful toolkit to build complex stuff.